Environmental Water Solutions are capable of producing THOUSANDS OF TONS of drinking water per day from contaminated streams, rivers, ponds, lakes, or almost any ground water in, or around disaster areas such as Haiti.
- A quarter of the worlds population is without safe drinking water.
- Less than 1% of the water treated by public water systems is used for drinking and cooking.
- In the time it took you to read these first three facts another child has just died in the developing world from unsafe drinking water.
- According to NASA the natural rotation of the Earth has been altered slightly by some 10 trillion tons of water stored in reservoirs over the past 40 years.
- Water makes up 75% of the human brain. 75% of trees are also made from water!
- Water expands by 9% when it freezes, making it less dense, which is why ice floats on water.
- You could live for a month without food, but you would be dead after a week without water!
- In the United States forty-eight million people receive their drinking water from private or household wells.
- 500,000 tons of pollutants pour into lakes and rivers each day in the US alone.
- Once it evaporates, a water molecule spends around ten days in the air.
- If you donated $15 to providing Safe Water that would be enough to give one person safe water for life.
- 5 litres of oil can cause an eight-acre oil slick if spilled or dumped down a storm sewer!
- 97% of the worlds water is salty or otherwise undrinkable, 2% is stored in glaciers and the ice caps, the remaining 1% is left for humanity’s needs.